Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I like Josh Duhamel. I thought he made the TV series LAS VEGAS interesting when he was there and he certainly fit the bill when he starred in the TRANSFORMER films. Why he hasn't been used more as a leading man I'll never know, but if his output is limited to direct to DVD films then I don't expect him to become the major player he should.

This brings me to FIRE WITH FIRE, the latest direct to DVD flick to highlight the fact it was produced by the same people who brought you RIGHTEOUS KILL and 16 BLOCKS. Come on folks, we really don't care who produces a film because for the most part that's rarely a guarantee that the film will be any good. Fortunately here it turns out that it is.

Duhamel plays Jerry Coleman, a good guy and a fire fighter who witnesses a murder at the local quick mart after stopping in for snacks. The owner and his son are shot and killed in front of Jerry and only through some quick thinking does he escape only to be wounded in the process. Jerry goes to the police and with the sketch they do of the suspect the case pulls in Det. Mike Cella (Bruce Willis). The killer is David Hagan (Vincent D'Onofrio), a white supremacist who killed Cella's partner years ago. Released for that crime, Cella wants desperately to put him behind bars. With Jerry's testimony he can do that.

But things start off bad and eventually get worse. While in a line up to be identified, Hagan lets Jerry know he knows who he is and where he can find him. The D.A. offers Jerry witness protection via the U. S. Marshall Service and he takes the offer. His identity erased from all databases and moved to New Orleans, 8 months go by and the trial date is approaching. But that's not all that's happened.

While being guarded, Jerry has fallen in love with his protector in the Marshall Service, Talia Durham (Rosario Dawson). A big no no in the Service, she plans on moving back to his home town once the case is settled. Too bad Hagan was able to find their location and send in a hit man to kill them both. With Durham wounded, Jerry is able to contact the Marshall Service for help. Though they plan on protecting him more thoroughly this time a phone call from Hagan prompts Jerry to decide to stop running and take the man on on his own terms.

Dropping his agents, Jerry makes his way back home. Knowing that Hagan has been trying to take over turf held by the Crips, Jerry approaches them for a weapon. Once he's armed, he sets out to make sure that he gets Hagan before Hagan can get him.

So the revenge film is set in motion and the side characters offer nice support in this film that actually turns out to be quite well done. The look of the film is completely professional and looks slick. The acting is believable by all involved here. And the story isn't near as thin as a number of main stream major releases seen of late.

Going in I think that most people will know what to expect from this film. Willis has taken on the duties of packing the deck in a number of low budget films in the past few years and my guess is he's trying to pay back helping others on the way up. His name will draw viewers to this film even though he isn't the main focus of the film. But once you get started with this movie you'll find yourself drawn in and watch from beginning to end. It's not a bad movie and you'll get your money's worth with a rental. 

Click here to order.

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