Sunday, December 20, 2020




The trials and tribulations of Reagan family, all members of one form or another of the justice system, continue on for the tenth season of the series. The show continues to present the police in a better light than most with the family being hardworking, honest and not the depiction of police seen on the news this past year. At the same time issues brought up in police around the country are dealt with openly and honestly but presenting both sides of the coin.

Police Commissioner Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) faces new issues with a new mayor in charge of New York. Son Danny (Donny Wahlberg) continues to be an in your face detective who far too often let’s his emotions get the better of him. Daughter Erin (Bridget Moynahan) the beleaguered assistant D.A. might have found some are hoping her to take on the D.A.s position. Son Jamie (Will Estes) is adjusting to his position of Sgt. as well as being a husband to wife Edit “Eddie” Janko (Vanessa Ray) in spite of his position over her at work. And patriarch Henry (Len Cariou) still holds down the fort at home and inserts himself into various situations as required.

So what does season ten have going for it? Not much different than previous seasons. The standard cop drama here remains the main focus of the show. Crimes committed, crimes solved. But it is the dynamics of the family here that make this show different than the rest. The members continue to meet for Sunday dinner and you can rest assured that discussions and conflicts revolving around cases they are involved in will come up. And those discussions will lead to new paths to follow in those cases.

The family here feels real too. They love one another deeply, would do anything to protect one another. At the same time their emotions raise and their battles with one another often reach fever pitch. This is how real families are. They love but fight and in the end come together once more. The scars are never deep or enough to do long term damage. And they end up with newfound respect for one another.

BLUE BLOODS isn’t a series that will be looking to push boundaries or seek out controversial topics. Even when they do so it’s in a more subtle way that causes the viewer to think rather than have a concept shoved in their face. Consider an episode a few years ago where a cop had to face the possibility of being ostracized by coming out as being gay. The topic was handled gracefully rather than demanding to be recognized. The series continues to do that with topics.

There is a certain amount of comfort in this series because of this and the family dynamic that it shows on a weekly basis. That family dinner attended each week is something everyone would want to be a part of. It involves humor, tension and that love of one another that we all long for. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of the Reagan family?

Season ten didn’t throw anything to damaging at the viewers. It gave us that comfortable feeling instead, allowing us to regroup from the few seasons previous. Here’s hoping and knowing that the new season will be one more worth watching. And this one will be one to go back and enjoy on disc. 

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