Tuesday, December 31, 2013


When writing reviews of comedies it becomes quite difficult. On one hand if it's really good you want to let people know that the movie is hilarious. At the same time if you start telling the jokes or setting up the stories prior to punch lines then the jokes aren't funny for those going to see the movie (I was once told BLAZING SADDLES was hilarious but knowing the jokes didn't find it near as funny). So let's see what I can do in letting you know about THIS IS THE END just released on DVD.

It's hilarious. Okay so I know I have to go further than this. The movie involves real movie stars playing themselves, sort of. Seth Rogen stars as Seth Rogen picking up his friend Jay Baruchel at the airport for a visit in LA. They head back to Seth's house where he has everything prepared for a wonderful visit. But before the night gets too far gone he suggests they head over to James Franco's house to visit. Jay isn't quite interested because in his mind this is Seth's new friends which have helped the two part ways lately.

Of course they show and are greeted by Franco who shows them around the house he helped design. All of the gang is there too including Jonah Hill portraying himself as the nicest of guys you could ever want to meet. Craig Robertson is there as his usual laid back self. While not there at first Danny McBride makes his presence known as well. All of these actors have been together in movies one way or another over the last few years. But they're not alone.

Small parts are played by others from this same group who've been in some major hits over the past 6 years. Michael Cera (who I've never been a big fan of but who does a tremendous job of tearing apart his squeaky clean image here), Christopher Mintz-Plasse, David Krumholtz, Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Mindy Kaling, Emma Watson, Kevin Hart, Aziz Ansari and Rihanna all make an appearance at this party. And yes each one takes a turn at making fun of themselves and Hollywood culture.

As the night moves on Seth does what Jay predicted he would which is leave him behind to spend more time with these new LA friends. Of course Jay also sets him up for failure not realizing that Seth has talked to his LA friends about accepting Jay as one of them. Eventually the duo head out to pick up a pack of cigarettes for Jay and on the way talk about the whole situation while walking. And then it happens.

In a quick mart the ground trembles, windows shatter and suddenly people are being beamed into the sky by bright blue lights. Yes it's the Armageddon and those deemed worth are being taken to Heaven. The rest are left behind. In the midst of destruction and chaos the pair return to Franco's party to discover no one there has noticed anything happening at all. A few tremors later and heading to the front lawn they discover LA a flaming mess and the ground in front of the house opening and swallowing various celebs.

So you're probably saying well gee...this doesn't sound funny at all. Trust me when I say that as the end begins so do the major laughs. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. What follows is the celebrity gang's attempt to survive and find a way to get out. The comedy plays off of their attempts at survival, their better than the rest attitudes concerning life and their confrontations with the demons and such released on this world.

The laughs come naturally in all of this world end mess rather then being forced. Comedy bits involving character, dialogue, physical comedy and situational comedy are all found here and to give up even a taste would be to ruin the movie for viewers. I saw this film at the theater and laughed more openly than I had at a comedy in years. Being able to watch it on DVD gave me the chance to hear/see the things I missed and to be able to pause if I laughed too hard.

One thing you need to realize up front though is that the humor here is some of the crudest found in some time. Jokes involving bodily fluids, sex acts and language are strewn throughout. If you've seen movies involving these actors then you already expected that. For me it didn't offend and seemed more in line with what I would actually expect from most of these actors in real life.

I can't begin to recommend this movie enough. As I said it had me near rolling on the floor at times and that was when I saw it in the theater. At home I can roll around with no one giving me the eye except for our dogs and cats. I would venture to say that this is one comedy I'd have no problem watching over and over again. My guess is, knowing a tad of what to expect, you will too.

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