Tuesday, December 31, 2013


This is one of those throw away movies that seem to come out straight to DVD and then disappear after a short time on the rack only to reappear on some lame channel that needs filler. That is to say it's not the worst movie ever made but it is far from being one you'll watch more than once if you make it through that.

The story revolves around a group of college students, two of which are home and one of which has gone missing. To help pay the rent the two girls take on a new roommate. It becomes convenient that this roommate is having problems with an abusive father since one of the two girls is having problems with an abusive father. Ala STRANGERS ON A TRAIN the two girls decide to help one another out by killing their respective abusers thus negating any connection that the police might find between the killer and the victim.

Along the way a semi-lesbian sequence takes place with the two leads finding themselves attracted to one another. As others who have watched the film have noted this seems intended to placate the supposed male need to watch two hot chicks have a go at it. Sorry but I've never found that something worth watching and when used as a sub-plot it seems more forced than natural anyway. It just becomes filler to make a movie that could have been shorter stretch out to 95 minutes.

The plot has been used before but that's not what makes the movie one to pass over. Instead it's the fact that not only have we seen this done before (and better) but that the supposed twists don't seem like twists at all. If you don't see the end coming early on then you've not watched many films. If the film is on when nothing else is on then you might want to watch. If you've become a fan of Katie Cassidy (David's daughter and star of TV's ARROW) then you might want to watch. Otherwise save your money.

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