Wednesday, June 19, 2013


There are good movies and there are bad movies. Good movies you enjoy over and over again. Bad movies you sit through and then say well that was bad, I won't bother with this one again. And then there are movies like this one. Movies where you think of them as so terrible that you want to find the folks responsible for it to slap them around and demand not just your money back but the time that you lost of your life in watching it, just wishing something good would come about. When it doesn't you find yourself doing what I did: you scream at the TV wondering why oh why you didn't just pull the DVD out of the machine sooner and just toss it out the door like an unwanted Frisbee. What makes it even worse is when you see the names of well known actors in the film. There are only three reasons this could be:
1) They thought it was good in which case you will never trust another film they make.
2) They got paid tons of money to be in it which in this case is doubtful as the budget is obviously low.
3) They knew someone involved and did the film as a favor. If that's the case please folks in Hollywood, do the right thing, make the right choice, be the big person and tell the folks behind projects like this that they are truly terrible and should be burned as kindling on the backyard grill.

Harry is a neer do well living without a care in the world, loving only one person/thing: his pet dog Jolly. Jolly is the center of his life and the only thing that brings him any happiness. He leaves Jolly to visit his best friend to discuss the fact that he owes some people for not performing a task they assigned to him (no we're not sure what that task is). When he returns home he finds that they've sent someone to his house and that someone has killed Jolly and left Jolly hanging from the kitchen ceiling.

Harry is now a man seeking revenge. He rounds up his cousin and as much artillery as he can and sets out to find out who killed Jolly. Along the way he kills anyone he feels like. For instance the bartender where they hang out makes a comment that it was only a dog so Harry kills him. Elijah Wood plays the bartender which makes you wonder why he took this role...why Elijah?! WHY?!?!?

The trail of clues lead them to a lawyer's office that results in a massive shoot out where everyone gets hurt or killed in one way or another. Eventually they end up at a wedding where the guests become bullet fodder. I would tell you what happens at the end of the film but if I did I'm sure that someone would tell me I'm wrong for spoiling the end of the film for those who wish to see it. All I can say is that if you watch this dung heap of a film after what I've told you then you deserve what you get.

I've seen movies I didn't like before that left me angry at having wasted my time on them. This one I watched all the way through and didn't so much get angry at as I did sit in a rage when the end credits began to roll. I had lost 84 minutes of my life that felt more like 3 hours and I would never be able to reclaim that lost time. I don't think I've ever felt this angry at a something I watched. There are not enough adjectives in the dictionary to describe just how bad it was.

I may never trust the names of Elijah Wood, David Rasche, Ryan Phillippe, Kevin Corrigan or Kristin Wiig again. I do know that should I see the name Brian Petsos again, the person responsible for starring as Harry and for writing this piece of crap, it will be a warning sign for me not to rent the movie with his name attached. Think of the worst most disappointing movie you've ever seen, multiply that by a million and you get this movie. My only hope is that I never see it on a shelf in a store. If I do look at the arrest record in the local newspaper for my listing as going insane and damaging store property.

This one is so bad I refuse to post a link to order. If you truly want to be punished seek it out on your own. It really is that bad.

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