Thursday, August 9, 2012



I love horror movies. I love bad horror movies and I love good horror movies. Being a George Romero fan I love zombie movies too. But when a zombie movie goes bad it goes really bad. That happens with this film.

In the future a virus has killed most everyone turning them into blood seeking zombies. But a few survivors have had children that have a natural immunity to the disease. Not only that, the zombies don't attack or attempt to eat these children. With three bloody lines across their necks, you know exactly what is coming. Hello? Gills anyone?

The story is told by a young girl as she treks her way to the sea where her dreams have told her to go in search of a giant octopus and a ship that will take these children away. Spoiler alert if you care: yes, they reach their destination and they then change.

It doesn't make a difference if I told you the outcome of this movie or not. Having to sit through it was torture that even being eaten alive would have possibly been better experiencing. The film takes the zombie motif and tries to turn it into an art film. Ho hum. The worst sin a horror movie can make is to be boring. This film does that in spades.  Let me just say that a second viewing of PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE would be more entertaining than this film. Watch it at your own risk.

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