Monday, November 22, 2021




If you saw the first season of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES on AMC or BBC AMERICA you probably weren’t sure at first what you were getting into. The story combines witches and vampires and demons in an underworld that human’s aren’t aware of. But they weren’t the same stereotypes of these characters we’ve heard about in the past.

The story revolved around two main characters. Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) was a witch who forsook her powers and is now a historian at Yale University doing research at Oxford University in England. While doing her research on alchemy, a magical volume appears to her that has long been sought and disappears again from the famed Bodleian Library after she sees it. Because of this she meets Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode), a vampire and Professor of Biochemistry. In spite of the fact that witches and vampires are supposed to be complete foes the pair join forces in their search for the book. In the book is supposed to be the secret of life for all three species. In the wrong hands it could mean on destroying the other two. 

As the series progressed we met various other characters as well and learned how they survived in the world today. We learn of the Congregation, a ruling organization of all three species that keep things in check. Behind much of the pursuit for the book is Peter Knox (Owen Teale), a powerful witch looking to end the vampires and demons. Just as deadly is Gerbert d’Aurillac (Trevor Eve), a conniving vampire who has long sought to rule over all vampires. Season one found the young couple falling in love and realizing that Diana would have to finally learn the magic she had avoided all these years. With no one in the present to tutor her they escaped to the past. 

Which is where season 2 picks up. Hiding from the foes they have in the future, Diana and Matthew return to London in 1590, a location Matthew is well acquainted with. Arriving not quite where and when they intended they take shelter at the home of Christopher “Kit” Marlowe (Tom Hughes), the famous poet and friend of Matthew. Kit doesn’t trust Diana though and he notices a difference in Matthew. The reason for this is that this Matthew is from the future and not this time period. But he sees it as him being bewitched by Diana. 

Diana soon learns that in this time period Matthew was a spy for the crown. This in turn brings in more historical figures from Sir Walter Raleigh (Michael Lindall) to Queen Elizabeth (Barbara Marten). But her reason for being here is to find a witch who is willing to teach her witchcraft. Her coming was predicted to an elderly witch named Goody Alsop (Sheila Hancock). Diana eventually wins her trust and her teachings begin. 

As all of this is taking place in the past more maneuverings are happening in the present. A vampire has fallen victim to blood rage, attacking and killing humans. Thought wiped out in the past this puts the three sets of creatures in a state of panic as they try to find out where this killer is. But there are more political plotlines running through the Congregation as the struggle for control runs beneath the surface. 

The series could easily be compared to the TWILIGHT films in that we are presented legendary creatures with a modern day twist coupled with a story of forbidden love. It would be a mistake to do so. For one, the depth of story here is much more pronounced with threads that run through numerous characters and not focusing on just the one. Because of that if you tire of one story keep watching as another will soon rise. This is largely due to the fact that the series is based on the novels of Deborah Harkness. 

The acting, the directing, the sets, the costumes are all extremely well done and befitting a major studio film release. To find that much involved in a series on TV is a credit to those working on this series. And by the end of this season as several storylines are tied up and new ones put in place, you find yourself wishing that the next season was in the can and ready to roll. Sadly word is it won’t appear until 2022. Until then you can catch both the first and second seasons on disc and if you’re not rediscovering it you’ll be finding it the first time and enjoying it in preparation for that follow up. 

Click here to order.

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