Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Having had no exposure to this series prior to the release of each season on disc I never knew what to expect when putting the first one on. I’ve grown to love it since and find it one of the best made series around. My guess is that after watching it you will as well. Now with series 3 available the only thing that bothers me is wondering if a fourth, fifth and sixth will follow.

The series revolves around the officers of the Friday Street police station, a division of the Manchester Metropolitan Police (a fictional group but based on real life). While bureaucrats may come and go in the series it is the rank and file, the combination of detectives and officers, who solve the mysteries involved. Those include DI Vivian Deering (Joanna Scanlon) who oversees the group, troubled detective DI Dinah Kowalska (Elaine Cassidy) her top detective, DC Spike Tanner (Will Mellor) who has issues of his own and DS Joy Freers (Alexandra Roach) a young and somewhat naïve supervisor coming into he own. Each character brings a different essence into the cast and make it more well-rounded than most.

I’ll let you know it’s spoiler time for those haven’t seen the first two series so go watch those and then come back. Okay? Here we go. Series three opens with an attack on a local politician running for mayor named Caroline McCoy (Lisa McGrillis) at a rally. It may be the work of a radical group that was protesting out front but as the police chase the killer they lose one of their own, DS Joy Freers. This is a shock to the system for fans as Freers was one of the most innocent of characters in the series. It immediately sets us fans up for seeking vengeance.

But things progress to more issues from there. The killer is on the run and continues a reign of terror. He calls in and claims to have poisoned a load of Halal meat, meat food blessed and allowable for Muslims in the community. All of this is because the current mayor is a Muslim (perhaps a nod to the current mayor of London?). This sets the team trying to find the tainted meat before a mass murder occurs.

Along the way more problems arise in the form of someone blocking the team from getting to the root of the problems from above. Just who and why isn’t clear until the end. At one point their top supervisor takes a bullet for the team, protecting them but losing her position at the same time. She’s replaced by a bumbling fool who has no clue what is going on, but who fortunately has a connection in his past with Spike. This allows Spike to keep an eye on him while the team solves the mystery.

Eventually we learn that not all is as it seems and trusted allies turn out to be devious enemies. I’m not sure about all viewers but I saw this coming early on. It didn’t ruin the show for me but instead increased my interest as I waited to see not only when the team would realize this but how they would handle it as well.

Not only that the series takes a topical issue with the concerns of immigrants in England and never treats it as a good or bad thing, not taking one side or the other in telling the story. It treats individuals as good or bad guys rather than label an entire group. The closest it comes to that is a white supremacist group and even members of that are shown to be human as well rather than depicted as cartoon like villains.

One of the things that make this series work well is the cast. To being with Vivian as played by Scanlon is an amazing character. She’s not this thin model in an acting role but a larger woman with a domineering presence who still has a softer side. Most shows avoid larger actresses like the plague unless they’re playing grandmother roles. It’s wonderful to see Scanlon here as the center of the stories being told, a character who in the first series you start by hating and come to love by the end. Kudos to the makers of this show for bypassing the norm. The rest of the cast surrounding her is amazing as Scanlon is. Each of them brings to their characters enough enthusiasm for their jobs as well as the home lives that affect them as officers as well. It brings a more thought out group together than most shows do.

With just six episodes to this series it can easily be binge watched in a weekend. The only problem that you will have is finding yourself anxious for the next one to arrive and watch. It truly is one of the best things out there and a shame more people aren’t aware. If they were odds are you’d be seeing an Americanized version of it within the year. Instead enjoy this one over and over again and wait for word on series 4. 

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