Monday, May 9, 2016


If the AIRPORT movies weren’t enough to keep you from flying, if the disappearance of flight 370 in Malaysia wasn’t enough to finish off that fear then FLIGHT 7500 may make you finally swear off flying for good. It takes those elements of what happened and danger in the air and then combines it with the supernatural to make a movie that’s safe for most to watch but will offer some truly frightening moments at the same time.

Flight 7500 takes off departs Los Angeles and heads out for a long trip across the Pacific towards Tokyo. As with most of the AIRPORT films we get a chance to know the passengers on board, to bring out that human element involved. A flight attendant is having an affair with the captain who promises he’s leaving his wife. Two couples are on board in first class on vacation, one of which is dealing with the fact that all of their efforts to have a child have failed. A newlywed couple comprised of a harping wife and respectable husband are seated next to a tattooed and pierced rebel. A con man sits and fools with his cell phone even though he’s been told that all electronic devices need turned off. These and others comprise the cast of characters on board the flight.

Shortly after the plane takes off but far away enough that they can’t just turn around one of the passengers dies. This creates a lot of discomfort among the passengers and his body is taken to the first class area to keep him apart from the others and forcing those in first class to move. After his demise the passengers begin to wonder what he died from and if the rest of them are in any danger. Breaking into his luggage they find a ceremonial death doll, a Shinigami, a doll that is supposed to invite humans to death. Once found, things then begin to happen.

A sudden air pressure drop forces the passengers to strap in and put on their oxygen masks. Once settled more oddness occurs and each passenger has their own way of dealing with the events. The con man sneaks up to first class to steal from the dead body. The struggling couple attempt to find out what’s really going on. The tattooed girl purports to find death fascinating but when push comes to shove is just as frightened as the rest.

Inevitably a realization is at hand before the end of the film and just what is going on is revealed. For some you will see it coming early on, for others it will come off as tossed in at the last minute. I’ve read reviews where some have taken the film to task for not offering more clues early on. For myself I felt that the end was hinted at in various moments of the film but not enough to ruin it by making things apparent too soon. In so doing it made the film better for me.

While there are some scenes which might be a bit too much for young viewers for the most part the film can be viewed by the whole family. I say this when thinking of other horror films out there involving more blood and guts or sexual encounters. The end result is a film that offers scares via jump scenes and mood rather than blood spewing everywhere. It’s not that those don’t have a place in the heart of horror fans but it’s nice to see a more eerie offering at times. This movie satisfies those needs.

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