Thursday, January 21, 2016


I’m a huge fan of THE WALKING DEAD. It’s one of those series I make a point to watch each week while it’s on, tossing my hands into the air at the end of each episode because I know I’ll have to wait a full seven days until the next episode. But it’s now at the five year mark so when I heard there would be a spin off series coming I wasn’t sure what to expect. Will it be equal to the original? Or will it just be another show/movie to add to the downfall of the already overcrowded genre that will peter out soon? The answer is mixed.

For those unfamiliar with the original show (doubtful there are any now) it tells of the zombie apocalypse, when society has fallen to a plague of zombies and only a few ragtag groups are left surviving as best they can, focusing on one group in particular. The film starts months into the plague with its main character waking from a coma, bed bound and unaware of what has happened. So what did happen that whole time he was in a coma? How did this all begin?

FEAR THE WALKING DEAD tries to answer some of those questions. Taking place in California the whole plague hasn’t hit yet like it did in Atlanta in the original series. Instead inklings of what is to come are just beginning to happen. Scattered events are occurring and the public isn’t quite aware of what is coming. But before the season ends they will be well aware.

The film focuses mostly around one family. Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) works in a high school and is about to marry Travis Manawa (Cliff Curtis). Already living together they deal with the issues soon to be married couples face, especially since they have high school age children involved as well. Madison has the worst of the problems with a girl who is the typical teen and a son who’s a junkie and disappears from time to time. When he shows having seen the body of his dead girlfriend who overdosed only to rise again they have a hard time believing him. On Travis’ end he has a son resentful that his father isn’t there enough for him. Will they toss aside these issues to join together to survive?

Rather than take the stance of showing the collapse of society at large the series focuses more on smaller stories. The family at the center, the people whose lives intersect with theirs as they try to reunite while everything falls apart around them and the groups that they meet while trying to just stay alive. Their disbelief of what was happening at first changes as more and more zombies appear. Now it becomes a story of trying to find one another and to discover a way to continue living.

The series doesn’t add a lot more to the original other than to give us a glimpse at the last few days of normality before everything went haywire. No detailed reasons as to why it happened, no ground zero as to where it began and no focus on how it was being handled by the government. Complaints have surfaced on those issues but the creators never promised that those items would be the focus. Instead it falls back on the tried and true story of a group of people trying to live during these times. Thus it provides little new while building on what we already knew.

The series is well made, well directed, well acted and well written. Technically there is nothing to dislike about this series. And yet when compared to the original, as everyone knew it would be, it felt lacking. Or perhaps lacking isn’t the right term. Maybe it just felt like more of the same. With the whole zombie genre taking over a majority of horror films and with the success of the original series this might just be too much of a good thing. Watching it on DVD makes it move along faster than when it actually aired. I know when that was going on I didn’t find myself anxiously awaiting the next week’s episode like I did (and still do) the original series. It just sort of felt…there.

This isn’t to say things can’t change in season two. Or that it gets better the further along you get into season one (I only reached the ¾ mark before writing on it now). But if it is nothing more than same old same old my guess is it won’t make a season five like THE WALKING DEAD has let alone more. Word is another spin-off is on the way and that to me makes no sense. Be happy with the success of the original, the somewhat success of the prequel and look for something new. Kind of like THE WALKING DEAD did when it came out.   

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