Tuesday, October 27, 2015


The myth of the gunslinger has been around for centuries. In the beginning it wasn’t the use of guns that made a man more dangerous than another but knives, swords, mallets and more. With the creation of firearms that changed. Add to that the tales of the old west and the gunslinger was born. Fables old and new arose from those days and they carry on to the present in movies we see released every year. They update those tales and sometimes work, others not. That decision is based on the viewer and their perspective.

BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA is set in the world of illegal gun slinging in South America. Competitors face off with one another in an area designated by whoever is hosting their match. A circle is drawn for them to stand in, they put on their own Kevlar vests and face one another. At a signal from their host, they draw and attempt to push their competitor out of his circle unable to return. Shots are only at the vests and to draw blood is to lose the competition.

In this world walks John (Ryan Kwanten), a young man on a mission. Joh know that he’s good, perhaps the best there is or ever will be. But until he meets up with the one man who has survived all challenges, a mysterious man known as Zorringer (Mickey Rourke) he will never know. But getting to Zorringer is easier said than done. To face off to Zorringer you have to be invited and he’s not likely to take on just anyone. His girl Friday checks out all competitors and to date, John hasn’t met the standards set. So he carries on, moving from one match to the next, earning his way to the top.

Into John’s life walks Colt (Freida Pinto), a young woman on her own quest. Colt is another contender in the game. A deadly drawn and accurate to boot, she takes on challengers as well. Her goal is to find the man who killed her brother playing these games. Whether she will kill him or not is yet to be seen. While watching John she becomes intrigued and the two partner up to travel the roads of South America from meet to meet hoping to resolve the issues they have. John and Colt eventually become lovers as well. With the amount of time spent together it is inevitable. The question is will their different paths unite to keep them on one or will they part ways down the road?

On their journey they pick up wounds, bruises and more. They encounter a couple of corrupt police officers and have to find a way out of that predicament without injury to anyone. Neither of them are murderers yet and have no intention of killing innocents. But while the law usually looks the other way in the competitions getting to them is another matter.

While the story of Colt must have a solution the showdown between John and Zorringer is what most matters in this story. John does finally win his shot at taking on the man known as the best there is. While meeting there is no animosity between the two and they have a metaphysical conversation concerning what it is they do. And then they meet on the field.

The movie does an even handed job of presenting the story and the competition for what it is, illegal gambling on a deadly “sport”. The intertwined stories of John and Colt work well together and their romance forms naturally in a world where the next day might be their last, especially when John is wounded with broken ribs from taking a few hits. It makes for an interesting film that holds you in its grip from start to finish. That being said it has one major flaw that arrives very late in the film that is a personal gripe with me but that I won’t spoil for those who want to see this film.

The production value of the film is very good with some nice cinematography making things clear rather than going for an edgier look. The sound people have done an outstanding job here as well highlighting everything someone in deep concentration might be hearing throughout each confrontation. The acting is well done by all involved but Roarke is used so little here as to almost make his part a cameo undeserving of his name being used to promote the film.

The movie may not be for everyone but it will present something different to watch on a Friday night. Finding an original movie is rare and this one doesn’t quite fit into any particular category making it more original than most. I guess you could call it a western set in a different location but on the whole it’s its own movie.

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