Tuesday, December 31, 2013


It becomes difficult to pick a movie to write about when two fantastic movies both become available the same week. You have to choose one. So let me say THE HEAT is one of the funniest movies made in some time (though filled with the F bomb). That being said let me get to my pick for best new movie on DVD, PACIFIC RIM.

PACIFIC RIM did fantastic box office around the world but never quite caught on here in the US. That's sad because this is one amazing movie even with multiple viewings. In the near future a series of giant monsters rises from the Pacific floor to attack various coastal cities world wide. Known as Kaiju (Japanese for "strange creature") these monsters that look like a combination of Godzilla, dinosaurs and giant bugs, the world is forced to unite to save the planet.

The United Nations puts together a fighting force of giant robots, known as Jaegers, to combat these creatures. The stress on a single pilot to control these robots is too much and they learn it takes two pilots who can synch up via connections to their brains. One such pilot is Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam) who synchs up with his older brother. During a fierce battle their robot is nearly destroyed and his brother is yanked out by the Kaiju they are fighting. Raleigh survives but loses his will to fight.

Five years later and a new problem faces the world. The attacks by the Kaiju are increasing and the robots have been decommissioned since the politicians think a giant wall around each country is the answer. Unfortunately the walls offer little resistance to the Kaiju and the few remaining robots are left to save the planet under the leadership of Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba), an ex-warrior and the man who ran the program. Stacker locates Raleigh and brings him back into the program with a plan.

The four remaining robots are to be used to plug the connection between worlds that allows the Kaiju to come over. That is if they can keep the world safe in time to do so. But things are never quite as easy as they seem. A fault in the plan comes along late in the plot, competition between Jaeger pilots arises and a full on attack by the Kaiju results in only two Jaegers left to get the job done. Toss in a scientist who has found a way to mind meld with the Kaiju to get info and you have a very interesting science fiction picture with more action than most movies released these days.

I can't begin to tell you how good this movie is. Even if you're not into giant monsters ala Godzilla you might find yourself loving this one. This is not your man in a bad costume type creature, these things seem real enough to warrant watching more than once with the pause button in hand. The robots are the most awesome creation seen in ages, something that every kid who ever played with toy robots will love.

The look of the film itself is stunning to see. The colors blast off the screen as much as the weapons used in the fights. It's a visual feast for the eyes that will be the second reason to keep the pause button handy. The last movie I remember seeing that used color to this extent was Warren Beatty's DICK TRACY. It virtually pops off the screen.

There isn't a bad performance in this film either. Each and every actor brings believability to their character enough that you root for them to win and mourn their losses when they die. Even the side characters are worth noting here, at least one a regular of director Guillermo del Toro.

When I saw this film in the theater I was stunned by the look, feel and emotions brought out by this film. As I watched the opening sequence at home I couldn't stop smiling. Everything about it felt right. Everything about it felt good. And it was as enjoyable watching this time as it was the first. This is not just a movie to rent; this is one to keep on hand for multiple viewings. It really is that good.

Click here to order.

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