Thursday, March 7, 2013


One should never go into a movie starring Steve Austin (aka Stone Cold Steve Austin) expecting Shakespeare. If you do you'll be disappointed. If instead you're looking for some high intensity action where fisticuffs and martial arts reign supreme you'll be appeased. This isn't to say Austin is a terrible actor but dialogue is not his claim to fame.

THE PACKAGE has Austin portraying a collector/bouncer for a big time criminal making good money while keeping the bad guy off his brother who's in prison. It seems his brother stole money from this same guy who makes Austin a deal: deliver a personal package and the debt is cleared. It seems easy enough so Austin takes on the job.

But as we movie fans know nothing is ever quite as easy as it looks. While driving through the backwoods of Washington state, Austin and his partner are ambushed and his partner killed. These are mercenaries hired by Tony, another bad guy, trying to intercept the package. Gunplay and hand to hand combat follow with Austin barely escaping and leaving behind to dead henchmen, one of whom was engaged to another evil operative. And yes, she holds a grudge.

Tony is trying to find not just the package but its intended recipient, The German (Dolph Lundgren). While waiting for the delivery of the package The German is taking on Tony's men trying to find out who is behind this hijack. From the scenes involving his handling of the men sent to kill him it's easily deciphered that The German is not a very nice guy, a bit more of a sociopath than anything else.

Between time on the road and fighting bad guys you know that Austin will eventually get the package to The German. But just what is in the package that makes it so valuable? The reveal is actually a nice surprise and one you wouldn't expect in a direct to DVD feature. Will there be a showdown between the two superstars of direct to DVD? Of course there is!

The movie is well made and offers some nice scenery along the way. Lundgren plays a truly great villain here and the rest of the cast is up to par as well. The story may be simple but again, it's not high art we're talking here. It's kick butt and take name time, head smashing and fist popping, an adrenaline rush of non-stop action with a few slow moments tossed in for recovery. If you're an Austin or Lundgren fan you'll know what to expect. Nothing complicated, just action. Fans will love this one. 

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