Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Don't rent or buy this movie expecting a feature film. It's not that at all. Instead this is an IMAX experience that is being released to DVD in every format available, including 3-D. As with most IMAX films it isn't a straight forward story you're getting but more a look at the world, in this case the world of rescue relief workers.

The film establishes each person being talked about from a woman who pilots planes for the Air Force to a fire fighter who wants to help people. We get a glimpse into the daily routine of their lives and what they do there. About halfway through that changes and each one finds their way into helping the survivors of the earthquake that took place in Haiti.

The film then displays the contributions of each to the rescue mission that went on there. When we hear about these sorts of disasters these days it seems all we hear about is how someone didn't do enough or didn't do it fast enough. Watching this film you get the idea that doing it fast isn't always the answer but doing it right is. In some cases, as in this situation, you could see that word got out as quick as possible and the response was immediate. In some cases it was days before the actual help could arrive but it was on the way.

While there aren't dramatic instances on display in this film such as a man carrying a baby from a burning building, the efforts of each one of these people do show an amazing amount of courage and dedication to helping others. It would be nice if the world we knew had more of that and less of people not asking for help because they want it but because they need it. The selflessness on display by those involved here is worth plenty of applause.

The movie itself is breathtaking. Sure it was made for IMAX and for 3-D but the copy I have was a straight forward DVD. The images were as clear as if they were blu-ray intended and incredibly sharp. The photography was breath taking. If you're looking for something do show off what an amazing thing a big screen TV is or to see for yourself what it's capable of, then by all means this one would be worth adding to your collection. I can only imagine what it would be like in 3-D.

As it is, the film is a reminder of how fortunate most of us our in our day to day lives. Hopefully we will never suffer the devastation that those in Haiti faced. And if we do face that lets hope that those selfless heroes seen on display in this film are there to offer comfort and aid once more.

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